Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Press Loves Me!

Wow, busy week in the press, I’ve also been in the Flintshire Leader and a snap shot in the Mail, yes the Daily Mail!!! My favourite one though was the Flintshire Chronicle, only because they mentioned that I was a past Miss Wales contestant! Good times!
Started work this week, been a bit hectic and I’ve applied for work experience in Talent I.D. so  hopefully I’ll be helping Power2Podium talent spot for 2016 in the autumn as well as do my dissertation and my BT Storytelling. I’ve also emailed my local press asking if I could write regular articles for them so I’ll see how that goes. Oh, I’m loving life at the moment!
Dame Kelly Holmes was in our county this week, doing a sports day in St Davids Hotel. I missed her and obviously I was gutted!  Our local MP, David Hanson, however lightened the local press informing us; “It was great to see Dame Kelly Holmes here in Flintshire – it’s not often we get an Olympic double gold medalist here! She provided real inspiration for the young people of Flintshire.”
Training for me is going good, I had an awful cold last week so I hadn’t trained for a while, but I got into the blocks Tuesday night and felt strong. Competition next week so hopefully if i get another week of strong training in, I will hopefully be aiming for a personal best. It’s not hard to break my times, but I’m not as fast as I could have been if I started younger and not at 19 years old.
David’s (my boyfriend, whose a much better athlete than myself) has been on a downer for a while because his training is going well, but his racing isn’t so, we’re hoping that soon he’s just going to blow us away with some sub 14.30 time for a 5k or a sub 30min time for a 10k. Yeah, he really does have the potential to run that fast :D. I'm so proud of him and I love him!
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